EMC's advises a systems approach to IT energy efficiency. Look at every individual IT element to maximize the contribution of each. Then step back and take a comprehensive look, a systems view. Still, when looking at those individual elements, it pays to take care in selection and configuration.
There are similarities to auto MPG ratings. The brand and model selected make a big difference in potential efficiency. But so do driver habits, driving conditions, and maintenance. For storage there are even more variables that require care, along with attention to that systems view.
Your mileage will vary.
EMC storage technology delivers great individual energy results and excels when framed in that broader view.
Our customers attest to it.
I visited with one of our largest last week in New York. They saw the results from a recent DMX refresh where capacity was increased but power consumption dropped by 30%.
Still, it's always welcome when you get independent corroboration of benefits.