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Big Data and Sustainability ? You bet ! if we believe in Douglas Adam's theory (and somebody does more than others) that Earth is the biggest computer ever, then you must admit that there is where big data stay. Jokes apart (although I like to think about the earth as a big comnputing engine) there are so many things to compute, too many probes to check, too many events happening at the same time - I think we still have to crack that code but definitely is big data. Just think about oil rigs, earthquake's data, predictive weather behaviour, the more (data) you know about them the better off you are...sustainability, you're bound for some big data !

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  • by Dick Sullivan
    Dick is an IT marketing and services veteran. He devotes considerable time to observing and commenting upon business and IT trends. He is particularly interested in how developing technologies impact business developments, partner strategies and the evolution of related market opportunities. Dick and his wife Barbara live in Hingham Massachusetts. They have two sons, one a college junior, the other New England Area Sales Manager for Medical Lasers. This is a personal blog and has not been screened by others in any way.