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January 14, 2008


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Dick Sullivan

Flash drives will impact energy consumption for those who use it. Initially that won't be a big part of the market though because of the initial expense and because on a percentage basis Flash won't displace a big chunk of the traditional drives in any given data center. However, the costs are expected to come down more quickly than has typically been the case with hard disk drives. So the percentage will grow more quickly.

Steve Hartell

Dick - Will flash memory be as big a factor in energy savings in the data center as virtualization?

Great Blog!!!

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  • by Dick Sullivan
    Dick is an IT marketing and services veteran. He devotes considerable time to observing and commenting upon business and IT trends. He is particularly interested in how developing technologies impact business developments, partner strategies and the evolution of related market opportunities. Dick and his wife Barbara live in Hingham Massachusetts. They have two sons, one a college junior, the other New England Area Sales Manager for Medical Lasers. This is a personal blog and has not been screened by others in any way.


  • by Dick Sullivan
    Dick is an IT marketing and services veteran. He devotes considerable time to observing and commenting upon business and IT trends. He is particularly interested in how developing technologies impact business developments, partner strategies and the evolution of related market opportunities. Dick and his wife Barbara live in Hingham Massachusetts. They have two sons, one a college junior, the other New England Area Sales Manager for Medical Lasers. This is a personal blog and has not been screened by others in any way.


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